Climate change success for Shropshire

Shropshire Council's carbon footprint has fallen by almost a third in five years, a report to council has revealed.

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The authority's success in its climate change work was being presented to councillors today amid warnings that civilised society is under threat from global warning.

Climate change portfolio holder, Councillor Dean Carroll said the council was committed to being carbon neutral by 2030.

Earlier this year the council passed a motion recognising the climate crisis and the report from a special task force set out work being undertaken.

Speaking before the meeting, Councillor Carroll said that the carbon neutral target was ambitious but achievable.

"The council's carbon footprint has fallen from around 31,000 tonnes CO2e in 2012 to around 23,000 tonnes CO2e in 2017," he said.

He said the council had already implemented a range of measures including building 41 solar energy arrays, installed across 28 of its sites, from the Shirehall to schools.

"The total greenhouse gas emissions avoided since their installation is nearly 3,000 tonnes CO2e with a financial saving to the council of £1.36 million," he said.

As well as making emissions savings the council is also working to increase the storage of carbon in Shropshire.

County ecologist, Dan Wrench, said a good example was tree planting, working with partners to ensure there were more trees in Shropshire.

"They capture carbon, they help reduce flooding and people love trees," he said.

Much of the work had been going on over the past decade.

Councillor Carroll said: "This is a reaction to climate change, it is not a reaction to pressure groups."

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