Decision on Shrewsbury swimming pools 'is needed this year'
A decision on the future of swimming provision in Shrewsbury needs to be made this year, the leader of Shropshire Council has said.
The authority's cabinet met on Wednesday to hear an update on a feasibility study undertaken by Sport England to explore what facilities are needed in Shrewsbury.
Members agreed to press ahead and look into two options for swimming in the town, one to redevelop the Quarry site to include a 25m competition pool as well as a leisure, health and wellbeing facility, or to redevelop the town centre site but build a competition pool at Shrewsbury Sports Village.
Councillor Peter Nutting said he is keen to have a final decision made this year as the issue has been rumbling on since 2015 when the Quarry pool was deemed no longer fit for purpose.
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"We're not saying either option is right or wrong, we need to get all the information," he added. "I want the decision made this year."
However Councillor Hannah Fraser raised concerns about the options that are now on the table.
She told members that she swims at the Quarry pool most days and that the facility is currently well used by swimming clubs and people who swim lengths for fitness.
Councillor Fraser said she worries that these people will not be well catered for at the Quarry pool if the competition pool is moved out to Sundorne.
She was assured by Councillor Lezley Piction, portfolio holder for culture and leisure, that there will still be provision for serious swimmers at the Quarry.
There are no estimations yet of what either option might cost, but it is hoped that a final report will be ready in December.