Shropshire Star

Coronavirus: Shrewsbury students now told to stay home after Italy ski trip

Students from a Shrewsbury college who travelled back from Italy over the weekend have been told to stay at home until they have been checked for coronavirus.

Last updated

Staff and students from Shrewsbury Colleges Group had initially been told they would not need to self-isolate unless they felt ill.

But after Government guidelines about travelling from Italy changed, bosses at the college have asked those who went on the trip to stay at home.

The ski trip took place within the Valle d’Aosta region which was in Category 2 before and throughout the trip. The resort is around 120 miles from the Category 1 areas in Italy which were initially in lockdown

The trip returned on March 7 while the resort remained in Category 2.


A spokesman for the college said: "We have taken a consistent approach throughout and we have followed NHS and Public Health England guidance as this is based on expert scientific advice.

"This is to ensure students and staff are safe. We are continuing to monitor the situation and will respond to any further changes in government guidance.

"Following the change in status issued by the Italian Government on Monday, we called NHS111. The advice given was to ask all students and staff who were on the skiing trip to Italy to contact NHS111 and seek specific medical advice.

"We have therefore followed this government advice and asked the students and staff not to attend college today and until they have obtained this specific medical advice.

"We have done this to ensure that our students and staff are safe."

The college said the trip had been by coach to and from the resort and the UK, and did not pass through any infected area or used any major transport hubs like airports

Students and staff on the trip were given personal hygiene kits as well as guidance on handwashing.

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