Shropshire Star

Magistrate from near Shrewsbury declared High Sheriff of Shropshire

A magistrate from near Shrewsbury has been declared High Sheriff of Shropshire by the Queen.

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Dean Harris, the incoming High Sheriff of Shropshire. Photo: Bob Greaves Photography

Dean Harris of Berrington will take up her new role on April 3. She was given the non-political role at a ceremony at Buckingham Palace last week.

The ancient ‘pricking’ ceremony is an annual tradition in which the Queen hand-pricks the names of the incoming High Sheriffs onto parchment roll using a royal silver bodkin.

The pricking ceremony dates back to Elizabeth I’s time. She was doing needlework in the garden when the list of High Sheriffs was brought to her. Without a pen available, she used her silver bodkin to approve the names, leaving holes in the parchment roll.

On April 3, Mrs Harris will make her official declaration in accordance with the 1887 Sheriffs Act.

The office of High Sheriff is an independent, non-political role held for a single year. It is the oldest continuous secular office under the crown, and can be traced back over 1,000 years to the ‘Shire Reeve’, who was responsible to the king for the maintenance of law and order in the county, and for collection and return of taxes due to the crown.

The role has evolved over time and today involves upholding the ancient office and making a meaningful contribution to the county, as well as supporting the judiciary, the police and other law enforcement agencies, the emergency services, local authorities, recognised faith groups and charitable organisations.

'Hugely excited'

Mrs Harris said: “It’s a great honour and a privilege to have been chosen to serve as Shropshire’s High Sheriff for the year 2020-21. In no way do I underestimate the demands and challenges of the year ahead and I hope to do justice to the role.

“I’m taking over from Dr Josh Dixey, who has absolutely done the role proud over the last year. I will be making my declaration in the presence of His Honour Judge Barrie and His Honour Judge Lowe. I’m also very grateful to be supported by my husband Mark, my Under Sheriff Madeleine Butcher, and my Chaplain the Reverend Matthew Stafford.

“I’m hugely excited about the opportunities ahead of me and am very much looking forward to bringing people together to make a real and positive difference in and around our wonderful county. I recognise that I’m an ordinary person with a unique and extraordinary opportunity.

"As I was told at the start of my shrieval journey, ‘you will have stardust for 12 months’ and I fully intend on sprinkling it."

Mrs Harris has served as a magistrate in Shropshire for 20 years. Her focus during her shrieval year will be mainly (but not exclusively) on domestic abuse, addiction, child poverty and deprivation.

She said: “My mission is to support, encourage and recognise the organisations, charities, voluntary groups, and individuals who work tirelessly to uphold and maintain the fabric of our society.

“I’m aware that many in Shropshire may not be familiar with the role – and so it’s my aim to promote the role of High Sheriff to ensure it remains relevant to society and the local community.

"I am committed to our beautiful county and all those who live and work within it, and I hope that my work over the next 12 months can bring people together to have a positive impact on as many people as possible.”

Josh Dixey, current High Sheriff of Shropshire who has held the role since April last year, said: “The role of High Sheriff provides a great opportunity to promote good causes and help those who are less advantaged. I’m very confident that Dean will be a great asset to the people of Shropshire during her year.”