Shropshire Star

Concerns for missing Shrewsbury man in Scotland

Police are appealing for information surrounding a missing 62-year-old from Shrewsbury, who last had contact with family in mid-March.

Robert Alexander, 62

Robert Alexander has not been heard from since mid-March when family in Shrewsbury received a postcard from him sent from Scotland.

The family is now concerned for his whereabouts and said he has numerous medical conditions that they are unsure he can treat properly.

PC Claire Davies-Moss said: "Robert is white, 5ft 7ins with grey or dark receding hair, wears glasses and is normally clean shaven. According to his family he always wears jeans, often with a checked shirt and a navy anorak.

"He was last seen on March 18 by family in Shrewsbury and the last contact family had was in the form of a postcard, which was post marked Edinburgh. This was the last time that family heard from Robert.

"He has lived in Glasgow in the past, however is often drawn to Edinburgh where he will sleep rough or occasionally use small hotels to stay in.

"We are all increasingly concerned for Robert as he has numerous physical and medical conditions which he requires medication for and we are unsure if he has all his medication with him.

"We are working with our colleagues at Police Scotland however I would ask that the community in Shrewsbury please also bear in mind that Robert has family here and may have returned.

"I would ask that anyone who has seen Robert or thinks they have any information regarding him please get in touch with us by calling 101 and quoting incident number 648s of the 19 April 2020."

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