Shropshire Star

Tributes to travel agent who brought Concorde to Shrewsbury after Covid-19 death

A successful county travel agent, known for bringing Concorde to Shrewsbury, has died.

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Brian Bass

Brian Bass, who was for many years a travel agent with offices in Shrewsbury and across the county trading as Brian Bass Travel, was 89.

Mr Bass, originally from Pontefract, moved to Shrewsbury with wife Pat in 1955.

He is renowned for bringing Concorde to the Shrewsbury Flower Show for the 100th anniversary in 1987.

He passed away in the early hours of Saturday, May 9, at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital having suffered from a number of health conditions in his later years and finally falling victim to Covid-19.

Speaking of her father, daughter Lynne Beaumont, 62, said: "Dad loved everything about Shrewsbury and he loved travel, particularly the world of cruising.

"It would be impossible to count how many local people will have booked holidays and cruises with him over the decades.

"Many will remember his series of trips to exotic gardening locations across the world in conjunction with gardening celebrity Percy Thrower.

"Thousands of local people still remember what they were doing, and where they were when Concorde flew over Shrewsbury. It was a real highlight for the town."

Mr Bass opened his first travel office in High Street, Shrewsbury, eventually running five offices before retiring in 2003.

'Simply the best dad'

He was a member of Shrewsbury Rotary Club for more than 50 years and of the Masons for 58 years.

He had lived at Copthorne Park since 1956 and is survived by his wife Pat and daughter Lynne.

Brian and Pat celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary on February 20.

Mrs Beaumont added: "He was simply the best dad. I couldn’t have wished for a better one.

"His four grandchildren and six great grandchildren will miss him terribly as will so many people across the area."

Funeral arrangements are constrained by the regulations relating to Covid-19, but Lynne said that memorial event will take place after the restrictions are lifted, hopefully later in the summer.