Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury curry house looking for volunteers to deliver free meals

A Shrewsbury curry house which is dishing up free meals is looking for help delivering to vulnerable people and key workers.


The Masala, in St Julian's Friars, delivered 100 meals last week to the elderly. This Thursday it is aiming to give 200 meals to people with disabilities, families of vulnerable children and key workers.

Manager Jamil Chowdhury Shahi said: "We recently took over The Masala and haven't had the best of starts with the floods and now the virus.

"But we wanted to take the opportunity to do a bit of charity work.

"Last week we did meals for the elderly. This week we want to focus of families, carers, bus drivers, postmen and others who could do with a free meal.

"We need 15 to 20 kind volunteers who would pick the food up from restaurant and drop it off. Please message us if you are interested."

Message The Masala on Facebook if you are, or you know someone, who is vulnerable and would like a free meal, or if you can help with deliveries.