Shropshire Star

Concerns over parking impact of development

Fears have been raised that inconsiderate parking on residential streets near a popular recreation ground will get even worse if a nearby car park is lost for more housing.

The matter was discussed at a meeting of Shropshire Council's cabinet

Shropshire Council is drawing up plans to develop the site of the former Training and Development Centre on Racecourse Crescent in Monkmoor.

But concerns have been voiced over what the proposals would mean for users of Monkmoor Rec – which has grass and synthetic football pitches, tennis courts and bowling and croquet lawns – who currently park in the training centre car park.

Councillor David Vasmer, who represents Underdale, asked Shropshire Council’s cabinet at a meeting this week to commit to protecting land used for recreation from development.

He said: “On Saturdays the car park is full to overflowing and I am already receiving complaints from nearby residents about people using the Rec and parking on Racecourse Crescent.

“Since taking over the Rec from Shropshire Council about eight years ago it has been transformed by better management and investments by the Lawn Tennis Association and Town Council who recently renewed the all-weather pitch and its lighting.

“So why has the county council refused to transfer ownership to the town council?

“Is the county council so keen to gain income from its assets that it is willing to sell land and thereby undermine the success of a recreational facility used by people from all over Shrewsbury, and beyond, and seriously inconvenience residents living in nearby streets?

“Or will the council adopt a policy of not selling land that is currently used, directly or indirectly, for recreation?”

Councillor Steve Charmley, portfolio holder for assets and regeneration, said the need for car parking provision to serve the Rec was being considered as part of the plans.

He said: “The site in question has been promoted as a sustainable location for new housing within this area of the town, in close proximity to local shops and services and with good access to public transport and local pedestrian routes.

“An outline planning application is being prepared by Shropshire Council officers to establish the principle of a residential use of the site alongside the recreation ground and amenities.

“Informal discussions have taken place with officers from Shrewsbury Town Council.

“It was agreed that the matter will be progressed by consulting with highways development management colleagues on the appropriate form of access and on parking requirements for the recreation ground as this is a key consideration for the venue and also for local residents.

“Officers will work with Councillor Vasmer as local member and with the town council to bring forward a proposal which delivers further enhancements and an improved visual identity for the access to and from the recreation ground with further work planned to review the opportunities for other sustainable methods of travel to and from the facility.”

Following the meeting, Councillor Vasmer said he was happy he would be involved in the discussions but said any planned changes to the vehicle access should not affect pedestrians.

He said: “I’ve been told that they are considering a new access from Robertson Way but they do need to maintain pedestrian access from Racecourse Crescent and create enough parking spaces off Robertson Way for all those who can’t use public transport or cycles. People from all over Shrewsbury and beyond use the Rec.”

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