Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury abuse survivor raises thousands with charity head shave

A domestic abuse survivor took part in a celebrity-backed charity head shave and helped to raise thousands of pounds to help others.

Emma Ruscoe

Emma Roscoe, of Shrewsbury, took part in the online challenge in support of Women's Aid and Galop.

She spent 10 years in an emotionally abusive and controlling relationship, but overcame her problems to share screen time celebrities including Dani Wallace as her contribution to The Big Festoon fundraising effort.

Now a motivational speaker she pledged to join the caper following reports that domestic abuse and violence had risen since the start of lock down.

Ms Roscoe said: "I wanted to make a big gesture in support of The Big Festoon to try and encourage more fundraising for the charities as the reported figures of the increase in victims is truly terrifying, especially knowing that so much still goes unreported.

Emma Ruscoe

"The crucial work of organisations such as Women’s Aid and Galop are needed now more than ever. The reason I chose to shave my head is because of the significance my hair always had to me during my abusive relationship.

"My hair was one of the very few things I still had control over in my life during that time, and whilst how I dressed, where I went and who I spent time with was often restricted, my hair was always my own. So I did what I liked with it, as often as I could. My hair was the one part that remained free when the rest of me was drowning in toxicity and shrouded in shame."

The Big Festoon was organised by fellow survivor, Dani Wallace, who brought together 12 celebs and 12 global entrepreneurs to raise more than £16,000 for domestic abuse charities.

To support it give online via