Shropshire Star

Council criticised over unexpected road closures

Unexpected road closures are wreaking havoc on the county’s rural road network, it has been claimed.

Shropshire Council has come under fire after residents complained they were not notified of roadworks.

Shropshire Council and its highways contractor Kier have come under fire for the “chaos” caused by roadworks regularly springing up with little or no warning to communities, businesses or bus operators.

The council’s opposition Liberal Democrat Group has welcomed the work being done but demanded better communication around future road closures.

Councillor Nigel Hartin, who represents Clun, said: “Due largely to the chaotic relationship between Shropshire Council and the roads contractor Kier, an increasing number of road repairs are occurring at the drop of a hat, giving little of no warning to communities that road disruption is going to take place.

“For example, I only learned about some significant road work due on the B4367 near Bucknell second hand.

“Its just not acceptable, given the disruption such work usually causes, that parish councils, local representatives and residents are not told about what is going to happen.”

Councillor Heather Kidd said in her division, Chirbury and Worthen, the contractor started work without a permit in place.

She said: “They simply closed the B4386 one morning without warning, diverting traffic down narrow lanes. It was chaos.

“When I rang the council it was news to them that this was happening.

“Not only were HGVs diverted through small hamlets such as Aston Rogers but the operator of the scheduled bus service wasn’t told either.”

Councillor Ruth Houghton, who represents Bishop’s Castle, added: “We are increasingly experiencing road closures with little or no notice and more worryingly road closures by contractors without the knowledge and permission of Shropshire Council.

“These make life difficult for local residents who are unable to plan alternative routes and at this time of year cause big problems for farmers and our agricultural industry working hard to complete the harvest.

“It is of course good news that at long last some attention is being paid to some of our rural roads which have been neglected for far too long, but we do need to be kept up to date with road closures and planned works.”

All three councillors have complained to Shropshire Council.

Councillor Steve Davenport, cabinet member for highways and transport, acknowledged there had been recent issues around communicating road closures in advance.

He said: “Shropshire Council officers are currently working with our contractor Kier to address some advance communication issues which have arisen over the past couple of months.

“This is in order to ensure, as far as practical, that reasonable advance notification of necessary works is given to all interested stakeholders, including residents, affected businesses and transport operators.

“The past few months have seen an unprecedented investment and workload put into ensuring the county’s road network is safe and fit for purpose.

“The vast majority of these works have been to address a build-up of safety defects which, by their nature, require a more reactive response than planned works and hence a shorter, and in some cases no, lead-in time is available to ensure all stakeholders are adequately informed in advance.”

Councillor Davenport said the council had completed a £10 million programme of road surface dressing since the start of lockdown and more than 15,000 road defects had been repaired.

He added: “This scale of fast-moving reactive work, often involving emergency road closures due to limited road width has presented challenges.

“We are reviewing the consultation and communication processes to see how this can be improved in future.”

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