Stunning Shrewsbury artwork 'would befit any grand property'
Two stunning paintings of historic Shrewsbury "would befit any grand property", according to an auctioneer.
The perspectives, one of the south west of the town with St Chad's Church in view, and a larger one of a panoramic view of Underdale, will go under the hammer with Halls auctioneers todayWEDS. The bigger piece is expected to fetch between £7,000 and £10,000, while the smaller artwork is estimated to sell for £3,000 to £5,000.
Gerry Berwyn-Jones, head of fine art at Halls, said: "Looking at the two prospects of Shrewsbury illustrated, one might be forgiven for appreciating them on their decorative merits alone, being attractive works of art that would befit any grand property.
"Some would recognise that these are fairly rare examples, by notable hands, but once a few details emerge about the artists concerned and their backgrounds, many would immediately grasp that these pictures become more than pleasing objects, but historical records that are loaded with human interest.
"The smaller 18thC view (49 x 74cm) of Shrewsbury from the south-west is by, as yet, an unknown artist. However, this painting which is intentionally inaccurate topographically to represent an idealised image (otherwise known as a capriccio) still helps the viewer to date the painting approximately, for Old Saint Chad’s is visible on the left. Thomas Telford surveyed Saint Chads in July 1788 and advised that it was at immediate risk of collapse. This advice was ignored, the consensus at the time being that Telford was exaggerating. Sadly, he was vindicated, for following bell ringing at a funeral on July 8, the tower collapsed through the roof of the church after the clock struck 4amm the following day. Evidently this picture pre-dates this event.
"Conversely, there are inaccuracies, for the artist has moved the Old English Bridge and gatehouse around the river, the church with a tower, Saint Julian’s, is incorrectly sited and there should have been wall towers present at this time. This is due to much re-designing and construction throughout the 18th century and is why the city walls were gradually demolished in this period; a process that started in the 1400s with the sections behind Pride Hill and Castle Street being removed, but the destruction did not stop there, as the Old English Bridge was demolished in 1774. So, it is unlikely at this stage to be more accurately defined than English School, 18th century."
"The much larger panoramic view from Underdale (68 x 182cm), in the north-east, is much more detailed and can be attributed to John Bowen, based on style, palette and compositional similarities with a similar prospect in the collection of Shrewsbury Museum, which has a number of works by this artist. Bowen had an architect’s eye for accuracy and with further research by local historians and archaeologists it should be possible to pinpoint the date of this view of Shrewsbury. Of course, it is clear that it is pre-1788, as it too shows the Old Saint Chads Church. Unsurprisingly, the abbey on the left is depicted before Telford’s road was built through its south section and the new Saint Chads and Laura’s Tower (completed in 1792) had yet to be built. Saint Alkmund’s, Mary’s and Saint Julian’s are also depicted, the former two with spires, the first of which accurately shows the large Gothic windows beneath the spire, but it is the absence of the New English Bridge, which was built from 1769-1774, that dates the scene earlier still."