Shropshire Star

Major 340-home housing estate gets official go-ahead in Shrewsbury

Plans for 340 homes have been given the go-ahead by councillors in spite of concerns over environmental damage, lack of amenities and uncertainty over the Shrewsbury North West Relief Road.

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A 340-home development at Churncote received approval from a planning committee

Shropshire Council’s North Planning Committee voted in favour of Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes’ joint proposal to build the development, including 51 affordable homes, at Churncote, off Welshpool Road in Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury.

Bicton Parish Council's Mandy Lee made an impassioned plea to the committee to stop the plans.

She said the application has improved over the last six years, but that the parish council still "strongly objects" as it includes "no facilities that benefit parishioners".

She said that the local supermarket wouldn't be able to deal with the extra residents, there isn't enough school provision and people would be forced to park on the road, putting people in danger.

Bowbrook councillor Alex Wagner said it was an "important green area" for people in Gains Park, and Underdale councillor David Vasmer raised concerns over drainage and water quality.

Seven councillors voted in favour of the plans, two voted against them and one abstained.

The planning application had 79 objections, with comments saying it will “destroy the Shropshire countryside”, and be a “soulless ghetto of the future”.

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