Shropshire Star

New skylights donated to hospital in memory of Lorraine

New skylights have been installed in side rooms on a hospital ward in memory of a patient.

New skylights have been installed on Ward 23 at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

Derek Saffhill and his family donated £3,000 to SaTH Charity in memory of his wife Lorraine who died on Ward 23 at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital in May last year, after a six-year battle with cancer.

He chose the skylights - LED lit ceiling tiles featuring natural sky scenes - for the side rooms on the oncology ward as they had brought joy to Lorraine while she was being cared for there.

SaTH Charity - the official charity of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) which runs the RSH and Princess Royal Hospital in Telford - matched the funding to enable them to be installed in six rooms.

Lorraine was 62 when she died. She was married to Derek for 42 years, and they have two children, Charlotte and Chloe, and two grandchildren, Zain and Yonni.

Derek said: “Throughout her battle, Lorraine never complained and always had a smile for everyone. She was full of praise for the NHS at Birmingham, Stoke, Coventry, and especially Shrewsbury where, after many inpatient stays on Ward 23 and treatment visits to the O’Connor Unit, she considered the staff as friends.

“In Lorraine’s last few days she was moved into a side room with a skylight which gave her great pleasure as she mentioned how nice it was to see the sky.

“Seeing the pleasure this gave to Lorraine encouraged us, and her friends, to have a collection in her name so that six other rooms on Ward 23 could also have skylights installed that will hopefully give some joy to other patients receiving treatment.”

Peter Warren, Ward 23 manager, said: “Although the skylights were installed only a week ago, I have already received a letter from a patient saying what a difference it has made and that it allowed him to escape and imagine he was looking at the sky.

“As many of our patients come into the ward frequently, having a different skylight in each side room will really make a difference and they are a wonderful gift in memory of Lorraine.”