Majority of rough sleepers in Shrewsbury have declined accommodation - council
All verified rough sleepers in Shropshire have been offered accommodation but nearly all of those in Shrewsbury have declined the offer, the council has said.
Shropshire Council said that efforts are being made to support those who have declined the offer, until they are prepared to take up the accommodation.
A spokesman said: "If someone does refuse this offer the council, in partnership with homeless charity The Shrewsbury Ark and other local agencies, continues to work with the street homeless, getting to know them and seeking to support them to feel ready to accept accommodation options."
Shropshire Council has been running the ‘Everyone In’ scheme run since the coronavirus pandemic started last year.
The initiative looks to provide stability and security, while council officers can provide support to help find a range of find suitable, permanent accommodation away from street homelessness.
It comes as Shrewsbury also has a new ‘cashless giving’ system for anyone who wants to help the homeless with a bank card donation rather than giving loose change.
It uses a special card machine to make donations directly to The Shrewsbury Ark in a new ‘alternative giving’ shop window of The UGC in Castle Street in the town centre – formerly the Multiyork furniture shop.
Secure cash donation boxes for the scheme are also available at Shrewsbury Railway Station, The Square and Frankwell Footbridge.
Donations can also be made direct to The Shrewsbury Ark online.
Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for adult Social Care, public health and assets, said: “As people are often worried about donating cash to people who are sleeping rough, the donation scheme helps them to know that their donation will be put to the best use, and go straight to supporting rough sleepers with deposits and rent in advance; as well as providing a range of support such as food and washing facilities, mental and physical health advice, rehabilitation and help finding housing and work.”
The council is urging the public to help them provide support for rough sleepers by letting them know if they see people who need help.
People can report concerns via Streetlink by phoning 0300 500 0914, or by contacting Shropshire Council at 0345 678 9005 or
Alternatively people can contact The Shrewsbury Ark on 01743 363305.