Thousands of crocus bulbs planted by Rotary club at Shrewsbury Abbey
It took a small team of enthusiastic Rotarians little more than an hour to plant 4,000 crocus bulbs in the grounds of a historic Shrewsbury building.
This was the third crocus bulb planting to be undertaken by members of Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club at the Shrewsbury Abbey.
The group, comprising project leader Alun Humphreys, together with fellow Rotarians John Yeomans – who is club president, Chris Heaven and Willie Strachan, completed the planting in a record-breaking time.
Mr Yeomans said: “We are now well practiced at carefully cutting the turf and prodigiously planting the crocus bulbs which we hope will make a wonderful new display in the grounds of this lovely building next spring.
“The tradition of bulb planting is now very much part of our Rotary calendar and a service that we enjoy providing for the benefit of the local community.
“We appreciate the pleasure that these crocus bulbs provide for passers-by.
“Rotary crocuses are an easy way to reach out to the wider community to raise funds and awareness of End Polio Now.
“At the same time they help to raise the public profile of Rotary.”
For more details on the Rotary Plus Campaign visit