Shropshire Star

Carer stole from vulnerable victims to pay for holiday to Turkey

A "bragging" carer stole hundreds of pounds from vulnerable people to help pay for his holiday to Turkey, a court heard.

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Jack Holding flew to Turkey after stealing money from people he cared for

Jack Holding, aged 22, took £780 from two victims he was caring for in Shrewsbury between September and November in 2019.

When police arrested him and inspected his phone, they found he had taken a "bragging" selfie, holding up a card which he had stolen from one of his victims.

Holding took £520 from an elderly man, using the money to pay phone company EE, and took £260 from a younger man who suffers with Friedreich's ataxia, a movement condition impairing ability to walk. He used the money from his younger victim to pay for a visa for his holiday to Turkey.

Holding's criminality came to light after his younger victim spent time in hospital. When he came out of hospital and tried to withdraw money, his card was declined.

The transactions were checked and the Turkey visa payment was discovered, prompting the victim to suspect Holding, who had previously mentioned he planned on visiting Turkey.

The victim had kept his bank cards hidden in a pouch on the back of his wheelchair.

The older victim of Holding, who has since died, would hide his bank card under his pillow to keep them safe. That didn't stop Holding, who fleeced hundreds of pounds from his savings.

A victim impact statement from Holding's younger victim was read to Telford Magistrates Court.

"I feel shocked and devastated," it said. "There has to be a bond between me and my carer. He took advantage of me. I can't understand it. I now have trust issues with future carers.

"I feel frustrated that my carer has done this to me. It has put extra stress on me I do not need. I feel more nervous. I think it has made my condition worse."

Holding, formerly of Frankwell, Shrewsbury, but who now lives in Birmingham, pleaded guilty to four counts of fraud and one count of theft.

His defence advocate told the court that Holding "accepts culpability for these matters".

The head magistrate told Holding: "Having considered the circumstances of this case, we feel the appropriate sentence exceeds our powers."

Holding will be sentenced at crown court at a later date. He was granted unconditional bail.

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