Shropshire Star

Clean river campaigners in Shrewsbury deliver anti-sewage letter to water company

Anti-river sewage campaigners in Shrewsbury have handed over a letter to the chief executive of Severn Trent Water as their-clean up efforts continue.

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The campaigners. Pictured in the foreground, from left to right are: Barbara Costello, Jane Asterley Berry, Stuart Hill and Claire Kirby. In the background are other Severn Trent river rangers.

Claire Kirby, Barbara Costello, and Jane Asterley Berry are a part of the Coton Hill based campaign group Up Sewage Creek and have dubbed themselves the Severn Sistas.

They handed over letters to chief executive Liv Garfield to a team of the company's River Rangers, led by Stuart Hill.

On Monday a handing over ceremony was held at the Flash Garden site of their local Combined Sewage Overflow (CSO) where their campaigning started last October.

Claire said: "I’ve been really shocked by finding human excrement frequently on the Pig Trough footpath and that’s what prompted me to take action on this issue. We hope that Severn Trent Water are taking our views seriously and we intend to keep pressuring them for improvements."