Shropshire Star

Shropshire Council to consider ban on balloon releases from its land

Balloon and lantern releases could be banned from Shropshire Council land in a move councillors say will help protect wildlife and reduce plastic pollution.

Last updated

The new policy has been put forward following the Marine Conservation Society’s ‘Don’t Let Go’ campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the harmful effects of releasing both balloons and sky lanterns into the environment and ultimately have the practice outlawed.

If the idea is supported by a majority of members at a meeting next week, the council will ban all balloon and sky lantern releases from all council-owned land and property.

The authority will also lobby the government to have the practice made illegal, and run a campaign discouraging people from releasing balloons and lanterns anywhere within the county.

The ban has been put forward in a motion to the full council by Cleobury Mortimer councillor Simon Harris.

He said: “For many years the Marine Conservation Society has run a campaign to make sky lantern and balloon releases illegal by classifying this activity as ‘littering’. The society has not been successful.

“The society has also encouraged local authorities to ban these activities from property that the authorities own.

“This approach, while not dealing with the problem per se, has had some success.

“Shropshire’s neighbouring council of Worcestershire has banned both sky lantern and balloon releases, while Hereford has banned sky lantern releases.”

Councillor Harris added that while Shropshire Council did vote unanimously to ban sky lantern releases back in 2018, this is not reflected on the Marine Conservation Society’s website.

His motion, which has been supported by fellow Conservative councillors Tom Biggins, Richard Marshall, Ian Nellins and Chris Schofield, will be voted on at a meeting next Thursday.

Balloon and lantern releases are typically held to mark an event or occasion, and at memorial gatherings.

The Marine Conservation Society suggests alternatives such as balloon arches and sculptures to be used at events, and other ways to remember loved ones such as lighting candles, holding a minute’s applause or planting a tree.