Shropshire Star

Plans for service station and business units off A5 in Shrewsbury refused

Plans for a roadside service station, drive through cafe and restaurant and four business units on the A5 Shrewsbury bypass have been refused planning permission.

Last updated

Shropshire County planners said the scheme would threaten too many veteran trees and could impact on the Shrewsbury West Sustainable Urban Extension.

A report by Tracy Darke, assistant director of economy & place roadside services said the proposals were for land near to the Churncote Island.

Bicton Parish Council had objected to the plans saying it would add a fifth leg to the Churncote island, and would cause severe traffic hold-ups and dangers.

There were also objections on environmental grounds with the Woodland Trust, and the County Arborists voicing concerns. The Woodland Trust said that there were four veteran and one notable oak trees on the land which is in the green belt.

The officer report said the site was an important western gateway into Shrewsbury and said that any development should be of high quality.

"The scheme as submitted does not demonstrate any of the design principles which are set out in the masterplan. It is a low quality design dominated by a sea of hardstanding with individual units set apart from each other with no design philosophy apparent."

"The masterplan envisaged the site being attractive to workers using alternative means of transport to access the site, but the current layout fails to make proper provision for pedestrians and cyclists."