Shropshire Star

£550,000 Shrewsbury land row campaigners to have their say tonight

Campaigners will have their say in a row over a controversial £550,000 land sale tonight.

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Campaigners have fought to save the recreation ground for four years

Greenfields Community Group will give a statement at a Shrewsbury Town Council meeting on the sale of part of Greenfields Recreation Ground.

The group has been involved in a four-year battle with Shropshire Council over the sale of recreation ground for housing at the site between Ellesmere Road and the Flaxmill Maltings.

The town council has been criticised for "serious governance failings" over the sale of the land, which campaigners argue is designated public open space.

The row is to be heard at the Supreme Court, and has received the backing of The Good Law Project.

Tonight's meeting will be held at Theatre Severn and starts at 6pm.