Shropshire Star

Unexploded bombs found on housing development prompt fears there might be 'others'

Residents on the housing development where two unexploded ordnance devices were found say they are concerned there could be more hidden in the ground.

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Neigbours in Rumsey Close worried about the unexploded devices, from left, Andy Davies, Jehmel McCalla 9, his Mum Thea Mulius and Courtney Preston

Neighbours already living on the Copthorne Keep development, say they were told nothing about the unfolding drama when first one, then a second device were unearthed by construction workers.

The first they knew of a problem was on social media after police cordoned off part of the construction site.

They live in part of the development built early last year.

Andy Davies said: "It was all going on on the other side of the site where we understand the old Armoury was. But no-one told us anything at all."

"They could have come round the houses and let us know what was going on."

Courtney Preston was in the house with her baby when she heard the controlled explosion of the second device on Thursday morning.

"It was a really big bang and I was inside," she said.

"It's really worrying to think there might be others."

"I have heard that they are scanning the construction site, but what about where the houses are already built."

Thea Milius, who has a nine-year-old son, Jehmel (crr) said: "We want someone to come and talk to us. We have been left in the dark.

"I am sure that parents will be worried about their children using the playground for instance."