Shropshire Star

'An abomination and a monstrosity!' Harsh words from objectors for proposed Travelodge next to Rowley's House

A proposed 83-bed Travelodge next to an iconic town centre building has been branded a "monstrosity" and "an abomination" by objectors.

An artist’s impression of how the proposed new Travelodge in the centre of Shrewsbury would look

Plans have been submitted to build a hotel with three retail outlets on the Barker Street car park in Shrewsbury, which sits between the Baptist Church and the Grade II-listed Rowley's House and Mansion.

The architects who submitted the proposal on behalf of Morris Property say the redevelopment of the site "presents a real opportunity for the growth of visitor numbers for Shrewsbury", and traditional materials would be used to "reflect the heritage of the site".

However, a flurry of objections have been made on Shropshire Council's planning portal.

One, from Claire Cupples, said: "If this proposal is approved it will be yet another nail in the coffin of our precious town. The generations of custodians of Shrewsbury who have allowed carbuncles such as this to be built have enough to answer for without the current custodians adding to the problem.

"I can't imagine having a monstrosity such as this right next to Rowley's House!

"We already have a wealth of accommodation in the town. Conversely we have insufficient parking - this development would remove a large percentage of the already limited space that is available."

Barry Newland added: "The proposed hotel development for this site is an abomination. Shrewsbury deserves better, and the application should be refused."

Paul Preece said: "To quote our new king 'a monstrous carbuncle'. Shrewsbury town centre has been blighted by poorly designed buildings in the past, please let's prevent this happening again.

"The location next to Rowley's Mansion, an architectural gem of the town, is detrimental to the open feel of Barker Street and the surrounding area and the building is not in keeping with the historical setting."

The vast majority of comments have been from people objecting to the proposal, however a couple are in favour. David Kilby supported the plans, but suggested other locations may be better. He said: "The concept of affordable, accessible family accommodation at the heart of Shrewsbury is a good one.

"The old bus station site is ideally situated for access to the Quarry, town centre, student visiting and night time economy, providing a safe, and secure environment avoiding excess movement around the town after an evening out.

"The reduction of car-park space in the middle of town can only be a good thing as the town moves towards its vision of being traffic free encouraging more cycling and walking both in the town and round its surrounds.

"Perhaps more thought needs to be given to the exact location of the building on the Barker Street site, by setting the build further back and at a 45 degree angle across the car park.

This would allow breathing space by virtue of creating a triangular public open cultural space between the new build, Rowleys mansion and the prestigious office buildings on the opposite side of the road where Miller Evans, and other reputable businesses are located."

To view and comment on the application, visit and enter reference 22/04028/FUL