Historic England calls for redesign of controversial Shrewsbury Travelodge plan

Heritage guardians are asking for controversial Travelodge plans in Shrewsbury to go back to the drawing board.

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An artist’s impression of how the proposed new Travelodge in the centre of Shrewsbury would look

Last month Morris Property submitted an application to Shropshire Council for the hotel development on Barker Street Car Park.

The prominent site sits between the Grade II listed Rowley's House and Mansion and the Baptist Church in Claremont Street.

The proposal has raised concerns over the design, with worries about its impact on the historic surroundings.

The historic Rowley's House in Shrewsbury

Now Historic England has weighed in with its opinion on the scheme, calling for a re-design.

In a letter to Shropshire Council objecting to the scheme, Julie Taylor, Historic England's inspector of historic buildings and areas, says the current plans would create an "unduly large, monolithic structure".

The objection outlines particular worries about the size of the building and its height.

She said: "Historic England has concerns regarding the current application for a proposed four-storey structure in this sensitive part of the Shrewsbury Conservation Area surrounded by numerous designated and non-designated heritage assets.

"We would therefore recommend that the applicant works with your design and conservation specialists to bring forward a scheme which sits more comfortably within the surrounding historic steetscape."

She said that the current design would be "awkwardly juxtaposed" with nearby buildings.

"Having considered the current proposals we have strong reservations regarding the relationship of the proposed four storey structure to the surrounding streetscape," she added.

"In our view the height of the proposed building, exacerbated by its considerable massing and 90m expanse along Barker Street, would result in an unduly large, monolithic structure which would dominate the streetscape in this part of the conservation area; awkwardly juxtaposed with the adjacent former Baptist Church and Rowley’s House and Rowley’s Mansion."

Shrewsbury's Civic Society has already been vocal in its criticism of the scheme, calling for a 'master plan' to be drawn up for the Barker Street area.

It says such a plan would help create a townscape "more in the spirit of the rest of the historic town centre".

In a report submitted with the planning application, AHR Architects said that the proposal would help bring more people into Shrewsbury, and could help maximise the use of other buildings - including Rowley's House and Mansion.

They said: "It is clear to the client and design team that the redevelopment of the Barker Street car park site presents a real opportunity for the growth of visitor numbers to Shrewsbury, for the continuation of the regeneration of the west end (started by the Tannery development, 2019) and will be of benefit to the town as a whole.

"This unique opportunity will undoubtedly be a catalyst to the revitalisation of the other vacant plots and underused buildings in the area, particularly Rowley House and Mansion, and will be a positive addition to Shrewsbury’s built environment."

A decision on the proposal will be taken by Shropshire Council at a later date.