Shrewsbury MP visits 130ft Genghis Khan statue on Mongolia trade trip
Shrewsbury MP Daniel Kawczynski visited the statue of Genghis Khan on a trip to Mongolia this week.

It was a second trip to the country in 2022 for Mr Kawczynski, the Prime Minister’s trade envoy to Mongolia. His role, to which he was appointed in October 2020, is to enhance the trade and investment relationship between Britain and Mongolia.
Britain was the first western country to establish diplomatic relations with Mongolia. Next year, the 60th anniversary will be celebrated.
Britain exports mining equipment and services, railway equipment, cars, machinery, engines, and retail to Mongolia, while Mongolia's main exports to our country are cashmere and knitwear.
During the trip, Mr Kawczynski met His Majesty’s Ambassador to Mongolia, His Excellency Philip Malone, and the two of them visited the 130ft statue of Genghis Khan.
He also met with Ganbaatar Jambal, minister of mining and heavy industry, and the two of them discussed how Britain and Mongolia could cooperate over this sector. They also discussed rare minerals exploration.
Mr Kawczynski said: "My second visit to Mongolia has been an enormous success, and I was delighted to return to the country.
"My second visit has marked a new chapter in British-Mongol relations as our countries continue to work towards an even greater partnership on key areas for our mutual prosperity.
"I am incredibly grateful to HMA Malone and his team at the British Embassy in Ulaanbaatar for facilitating my visit.
"I look forward to following up on my fruitful discussions with representatives of the Mongolian Government, and I will now report to the Prime Minister."