Shropshire Star

Community studios support Shropshire artists with window galleries

A window exhibition featuring Shropshire artists has shone the spotlight on Shrewsbury newbie, artist Nigel Bradey.

Artist and Shrewsbury newbie Nigel Bradey is showcasing a window exhibition of his work at Raven Studios in Shrewsbury

Nigel, 58 and originally from Twickenham, retired from his former life as an air traffic controller and moved to Shrewsbury with his wife last year.

Last summer, residents of the town could spot Nigel as a skipper on the town's passenger vessel, the Sabrina Boat.

Now, a studio space that has taken over the first floor of the former Pride Hill Shopping Centre is featuring Nigel in its window gallery.

Raven Studios, managed by MakeSpace Arts and Well-Being CIC, focus on providing affordable workspaces to creatives and supporting local art projects.

"The art scene in Shrewsbury is fantastic," Nigel explained, "Raven Studios and the team there are great.

"I've always painted and sold bits and done commissions but since retiring and moving here, I've really been able to throw myself into art with abandon."

Among Nigel's featured paintings is a large paper mache sculpture, inspired by a monster from a South Korean film.

Nigel's work can be seen until the end of November, at Raven Studios on Smithfield Road, next to the Premier Inn.

The studio's window galleries are open to submissions, free of charge, with a commission taken on pieces sold.

Raven Studios will be hosting an open studio on Saturday, December 10 and Sunday, December 11.

Nigel can be found on Instagram @nigelbradeyart and for more information about the studio visit