Shropshire Star

It's the end for the Crown - but Shrewsbury pub is set to re-open in time for Christmas

A town pub in Shrewsbury has closed for a major refurbishment - and a change of name.

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The Crown Inn at Longden Coleham in Shrewsbury

The Crown at Coleham in Shrewsbury closed on Sunday and is scheduled to re-open as The Coleham Tap on December 2, in time to capitalise on the vital Christmas trading period.

Earlier this year brewer and pub company Marstons was given planning permission to carry out works on the Grade II Listed building which sits on the riverbank at Longden Coleham.

Pubgoers can expect to see brand new signs, logos and panels on the outside and a host of internal works. It will include some demolition, the formation of disabled toilets and a boiler room, creation of new openings, a fireplace, a complete remodelling and associated works.

Shropshire Council planners agreed earlier this year that the proposed alteration and additions to the signage would have no adverse impact on the historic fabric of the building and "would preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the building and ensure its long term preservation".

The Crown Inn at Longden Coleham in Shrewsbury

They added that the development "will help ensure the long-term future maintenance and preservation of the listed building and continue to secure its optimum viable use."

A spokesman for the pub said on Facebook on Sunday: "And just like that we close the doors on The Crown for the last time.

"Thanks to all our customers this week for your massive support.

"Just four weeks to get this place completely transformed! See you again on December 2."

The inside of the pub is set to get brand new furniture while existing seating booths are removed, with the formation of a snug within the front room of the hostelry, new colour scheme with the addition of brick slips and barrel staves for feature walls.

The outside will get a full lick of paint with exterior joinery benefiting from a new colour scheme to the front of the façade.

There will also be a programme of repairs and maintenance including joinery and brickwork prior to its redecoration.

Artists' impression of the pub. Copyright: With Pencils (

"The much-needed refurbishment within the interior will complement the newly renovated external areas," the planners were told.

"Ultimately the scheme hopes to provide a better and safe experience for both our workers and guests providing better quality space with the new seating areas and refurbished work quarters."

Customers at the pub have reacted positively to the news.

One said: "Hope it goes well and you can open on time. We’ll miss coming down and enjoying interactions with the wonderful staff and other regulars. The lager too..."

Another said: "Roll on December when I can get back to my wonderful Sunday uke sessions with you all. Definitely the best place to be on a Sunday evening."