Shropshire Star

Take a look at anti-violence bee sculpture creating a buzz in Shropshire

The latest stunning anti-violence sculpture from the county has gone on display for the first time.

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Police officers Antony Cleobury and Marv Choudhury stand below the giant bee sculpture that has been made out of guns and knives

The anti-violence bee was made at the Oswestry’s British Ironwork Centre and will be visiting all three counties served by West Mercia Police with officers over the next few weeks.

Sunday saw its first Shropshire date, with the work of art being shown in Shrewsbury's Square.

Over the next two days it will visit schools in the town in an effort to spread the anti-violence message.

The bee was originally commissioned by Greater Manchester Police and was made out of knives and guns – similar to the well-known Knife Angel, which was also created at the ironworks.

The sculpture’s West Mercia tour is being arranged to help raise awareness of the dangers of carrying a knife – coinciding with the national Operation Sceptre campaign.

The tour will run until November 20 as part of an anti-violence education programme.

The sculpture took two years to make, and the bee was chosen due to its importance as a symbol to the people of Manchester and to show the strength of community.

Inspector Antony Cleobury, who was with the bee on its Shrewsbury visit, said that it had generated huge interest from the public – and the opportunity to raise awareness.

He said: "The response from the public was really engaging, really positive in terms of the feedback.

"They were understanding of the bee itself and what it represents, but also the work West Mercia Police are doing around youth and child engagement."

Insp Cleobury said that there had been plenty of questions, and that the juxtaposition of the beautiful sculpture made out of dangerous weapon parts, had provided a great talking point.

He said: "It is an amazing sculpture, it is a beautiful piece of work but it is very impactful because it is created out of the weapons.

"People were looking from a distance not realising it was made of weapons and then they would walk up and go 'oh my god' when they realise. It is a real message because it is real weapons that have been taken off the streets."