Shropshire Star

Drink-driver caught twice in two weeks gets road ban

A drink-driver caught over the alcohol limit twice in 15 days has been banned from the road for three years.

Sam Siviter failed two breath tests in 15 days

Sam Siviter was admitted two separate drink-driving offences when he appeared in court on Monday.

The 33-year-old, of New Park Close in Shrewsbury, was first caught over the legal limit on the M54 on May 20.

Police recorded a result of 42 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, seven microgrammes above the limit of 35, after Siviter was stopped driving a Volvo V70 eastbound along the motorway between junctions 3 and 2.

Two weeks later, on Sunday, June 4, he was stopped driving the same car along Birmingham Road in West Bromwich. A breath test showed he had 53 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.

At Wolverhampton Magistrates Court on Monday, Siviter was handed a three-year driving ban, which can be reduced if he completes a drink-drive rehabilitation course by the end of July 2025.

He was also fined £400 and ordered to pay costs of £135 and a £266 surcharge.

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