Shropshire Star

Road closures planned for Shrewsbury road surfacing works

Two Shrewsbury roads will be closed next week to allow for surface dressing.

Road closed sign

Further surface dressing work is due to take place on Bage Way and Robertson Way in Shrewsbury this month.

Work is planned for Thursday, July 13 and Friday 14, followed by lining works on Sunday 23 July. All work will be carried out from 9.30am to 4pm under a road closure.

The two roads were treated last month as part of Shropshire Council’s surface dressing programme, and will now be treated with a surface dressing system called LockChip to fully seal the surface.

The council say the system significantly improves the early life retention of the chips in all areas of the dressing and provides waterproofing and increased durability to prevent defects, cracks, and potholes. It was recently used on Roman Road in Shrewsbury.

A spokesperson for the authority added: "Another major benefit of this sealed surface dressing for repairs is that the coating cures quickly, enabling the road to be reopened earlier. On busy road networks with high levels of traffic, this helps to minimise disruption to the public.

"On completion of the work, operatives will need to factor in curing time to allow the carriageway surface to cure before traffic is allowed to travel on it – so barriers may still be up for an hour or so whilst no works are taking place."