Bird droppings health risk leads to ambulance service requesting licence to remove swallows

Protected swallows inhabiting a county ambulance station are to be moved because the birds' droppings risk "infecting clinical equipment" – and are costing more than £3,000 a month to clean.

West Midlands Ambulance Service has been granted a licence to remove swallows from its Shrewsbury Ambulance Station.

West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) has confirmed it has been granted a licence to move the birds from its Shrewsbury Ambulance Station, at Mercian Close.

They have been nesting in the station's garage, with around 40 birds understood to be on site.

The licence is required due to the protected status which covers swallows.

Some members of staff at the station are understood to be upset at the planned removal of the birds, and the potential for harm to relocated animals – but WMAS has said it had no option in dealing with something which could pose a risk to patients.