Shropshire Star

Residents 'told one thing and read another' in row over Shrewsbury housing plan for homeless

Residents near a proposed supported housing scheme are "increasingly worried" about what recent incidents might mean for their tight-knit community.

Coton Hill House in Shrewsbury

There is much anger in the Coton Hill area of Shrewsbury over Shropshire Council plans to convert a former residential home into a supported housing scheme for homeless people.

Much of the concern has centred on whether individuals with serious mental health and addiction problems associated with Shrewsbury Ark will be drawn to Coton Hill House on Berwick Road. Both the Ark and Shropshire Council have denied that there will be such a link.

"The Ark's general meeting minutes reveal 10 people have died in the last year, there is a snowball effect that is not being addressed," said one Coton Hill resident who did not wish to be named.

"We are literally getting all the people from across Shropshire and the wider country who seem to come here. I've been on trains when people have been coming in to Shropshire to use the Ark. They don't have the facilities to check where they are from."

The Ark has denied this, saying that 98 per cent of its clients are from Shrewsbury and Shropshire.

The resident continued: "It has been included in the planning application that the people to be housed at Coton Hill House will be that kind of person. They have not provided their selection criteria. They could have had much more buy-in from the local community if they explained their plans.

"Residents are told one thing face-to-face and another in print, so our serious concern is that they are lying and we will have 25 people housed there who are ex-offenders, drug and alcohol abusers."

A spokesperson for Shropshire Council has denied that this will happen.

During the coronavirus pandemic the building was used as emergency accommodation for rough sleepers and a community meeting recently heard of concerns about continuing antisocial behaviour. Concerns have been over abuse, people relieving themselves and rows in the street.

Those living in the area are against the plans

The resident, a writer and business advisor who has lived in Coton Hill for 14 years, said: "The situation has descended in the last three years.

"I came from London so am used to seeing homeless people but it's not the issue of homelessness that is the problem, it is the antisocial behaviour.

"The level of antisocial behaviour here has increased exponentially.

"There is a question mark over services that cannot provide wraparound care, because they are letting both the community and the clients down.

"The Ark should be closed down in its current form or they should deliver support that both helps the clients and the local community."

Emily Bell, the chair of trustees at Shrewsbury Ark, and Shrewsbury Council have denied various points made by residents, who are planning a new public meeting. There is also talk of a demonstration.

Ms Bell recognised the concerns and that proposals to convert Coton Hill House have caused concerns.

She said: "I have friends who live in Coton Hill who are against this plan, but we have agreed not to talk about it.

"But the Coton Hill property is not for clients of the Ark, it has nothing to do with the Ark.