WATCH: Young deer spotted in hair-raising visit to Shrewsbury town centre
A late-night visitor to Shrewsbury raised eyebrows when it wandered through the town in the early hours of this morning.
A tiny deer was seen wandering down Dogpole and Wyle Cop leaving people scratching their heads over where it could have come from.
And the animal had a lucky escape when it had to race across the bottom of the Cop as a car drove down.
The very young deer tentatively made its way onto Wyle Cop, sniffing and looking around as one car passed it.
An eye-witness filmed the animal going back and to across the road making its way down towards Town Walls.
They filmed a heart-stopping moment when the little deer had to flee the road to the pavement as a car approached.
Wherever the young deer had come from it was on its own.