Shropshire Star

All-new Shrewsbury school set to welcome its first pupils with ex-Shrews player at the helm

Going back to school next week will come with an all-new twist for a group of Shrewsbury youngsters set to be their new school’s first ever class.

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New headteacher Sam Aiston and business manager Tracy Othen at Bowbrook Primary School

Children and parents across Shropshire will have feelings of excitement, trepidation, and perhaps a little dread when the schools reopen next Thursday.

But few can claim to have such a place in the history books as the 27 youngsters who will be turning up to be the first ever class at Bowbrook Primary School.

“It will be a historic moment,” said Sam Aiston, first headteacher at the school in Squinter Pip Way. “People will look back at the pictures in 100 years and say ‘that was my grandparent!’.

“I am really excited to welcome the first students to Bowbrook. The children and staff are incredibly lucky to be a part of it. The building looks amazing.

“I know the parents are all excited and Thursday is going to be a lovely morning for this first ever group.

“There has already been a lot of excitement and Thursday will be a massive day for the parents to drop off their children at primary school and the nursery here for the first time.

“I can promise the parents that their children will be in very safe hands. They are going to help us shape the school.”

Before he started his career in teaching Mr Aiston was a popular player at Shrewsbury Town FC.