Shropshire Star

'Unsuitable and problematic': Heritage group's verdict on fresh designs for controversial Shrewsbury Travelodge

A controversial plan for an 83-bed Travelodge next to an important historic house and mansion in Shrewsbury remains "problematic and unsuitable", according to a heritage organisation.

A new artist's impression of how the Travelodge could look

Shrewsbury Civic Society (SCS) has reconsidered the project for a large hotel and retail complex in Barker Street after fresh designs were recently made public.

But the group remains in objection to the plan for the budget hotel, which would be built on the car park sandwiched between the old baptist church and the Grade II-listed Rowley's House and Mansion.

Michael Dinneen from the society previously said the lack of a "masterplan" for the area was an issue. He said that is still a concern of the group.

"The absence of a meaningful masterplan which addresses this restoration in the area behind the Travelodge and along Hill's Lane is problematic," he said.

"SCS has, for nearly 30 years, urged the restoration of a dense but intricate urban grain to this site and the neighbouring car park in Bridge Street. These views were, and are, a major aspect of our objections to this application. In principle, building along Barker Street is of course potentially a welcome development. However, the neglect, as we see it, of the area to the rear of the Travelodge and along Hill's Lane in this application is a major concern.

An architect said the plan was for Rowley's House to still be visible. This fresh artist's impression shows how the hotel complex would look from next to the market hall

"It could be reasonably argued that development along Barker Street is 'phase 1' in a process that would ultimately lead to further 'urban repair' on the rest of the site. However, planning for that future development in the form of a masterplan should in our view have been integral to this application. An iterative masterplan drawing for the development of the rest of the site, as part of this application would have been a useful indication of general intent."

Mr Dinneen added: "More importantly however, we would have liked to have seen a clear commitment from the applicants to work with other bodies to produce a detailed masterplan for the whole site in the very near future along the lines outlined by the Big Town Plan and in the evolving Design Code, which is briefly referred to in this application.

"This development does not necessarily preclude further, more sympathetic, development on the site but it probably does make it harder to achieve in the absence of a more holistic approach.

"The current landscaping proposals only really have meaning in the immediate area between the proposed Travelodge and Rowley's House along Barker Street. The creation of a new public space behind the Travelodge, in effect an enlarged 'New Ship Inn Yard, for which we and others have argued should inform the nature of the landscaping here and along Hill's Lane.

"The current landscaping proposals are in effect operating within a townscape vacuum. In our view, planting along Hill's Lane should be omitted. This is a prime site for future building development, perhaps partly as an extension to Rowley's Mansion along Hill's Lane to create a semi-enclosed public space. Bushes or trees are not an appropriate substitute."

An artist's impression of the 'green corridor' between the proposed Travelodge and Rowley's House

He added: "We remain opposed to the bulk of the structure especially its height and would refer to our more detailed comments in previous submissions on the planning portal.

"We acknowledge that the applicant is constrained by the very prescriptive, and in this context unhelpful, brief that Travelodge insist on. The problem remains very largely the quantum of development rather than the ways in which the architects are 'wrapping' it. Basically, we feel that this quantum is unsuitable for this site."

The project has been met with a backlash multiple times, but since the latest designs were unveiled, some supportive comments have been made.

To view the full application and comment, visit