Shrewsbury's Frankwell Main car park closed as River Severn forecast to peak this afternoon
Shrewsbury's Frankwell Main car park is closed as the River Severn rises following recent heavy rain.

Shropshire Council said it took the decision to keep the park shut based on Environment Agency advice and to ensure no motorists end up at risk of flood.
It comes after updated and higher river level flood forecasts were issued by the EA.
A council spokesperson said: "Whilst river levels are falling, the Environment Agency are predicting levels rising to 3.2m this pm.
"Based on this advice, we are keeping the Frankwell main car park closed to ensure no customers end up at risk of flood."
The council is advising visitors to the county town to use the Park and Ride service or alternative car parks if they are planning to visit the town centre by car today.
"Please also plan your visit in advance as town centre is busy due to Christmas shoppers and events," it says.
"We will continue to monitor and only expect this to be a day or part day closure.
"Performances at Theatre Severn are still going ahead and we recommend you plan your journey in advance to find alternative parking."
At 12.51pm the river was recorded at 2.98m at Welsh Bridge.
In a flood alert updated on Thursday morning, Welsh Bridge was predicted to peak between 3.0m to 3.2m in the afternoon.
The Met Office is forecasting between a five per cent and 10 per cent chance of rain in the next few days.