Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury's spectacular Santa squad spreads cheer in lunchtime charity fun run

Members of staff from a Shrewsbury law firm and an estate agent brought a little festive cheer to the town as they took part in a charity run.

Michelle Simmonds and colleagues from Hatchers on their special Santa run

If you were out on your lunch break in Shrewsbury's Quarry on Wednesday, you might have spotted a dozen Santas jogging through the park.

Twelve members of staff from Hatchers Solicitors and Roger Parry & Partners donned full Father Christmas livery to take part in a festive 5K.

The joggers had all been due to take part in the Shropshire Santa Run, which was cancelled after snow and ice made conditions too dangerous.

The annual fundraiser was meant to be held in Oswestry on December 3, but an Arctic blast turned the town into an ice rink.

But one of the Hatchers team wouldn't let the weather stop Santa.

Val Edwards, centre, with her Santa colleagues

Michelle Simmonds, who lives in Oswestry, said: "I felt obliged, not only because we'd already raised money but because I'd encouraged nine of my colleagues to take part.

"After it was cancelled because of the snow I came back to work and was really gutted."

Michelle said a few of the staff members had been taking part in a couch-to-5K programme to train for the event.

"We've raised £250 for Lingen Davies and it's brought us all together, we've been encouraging each other for training," Michelle added.

"We didn't want to not do anything, so I thought 'let's just do it on our lunch break'."

After spotting the new plan on the firm's social media pages, nearby estate agents Roger Parry & Partners got on board too.

In the end, 12 Santas took part in the run through the Quarry over lunch on Wednesday, blasting festive tunes as they ran.

Michelle said: "Lots of people stopped us to see what was going on and to take pictures, I think everyone really enjoyed seeing it."

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