Shropshire Star

Anxious jumping dog who can clear six-foot fences is in need of a new home

An 'anxious' dog with an exceptional ability to jump over tall fences is in need of a new forever home and patient owners.

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Yuki is pictured with team member Stephanie Parker

Yuki - whose name means ‘lucky’ in Japanese - hasn't been so fortunate in finding a home after being with the canine carers at Dogs Trust Shrewsbury.

But now the charity is launching a third bid to find a sofa for the three-year-old to claim as her own.

Yuki's ability to continually leap over six-foot garden fences might not have been such a problem, but she was also quite anxious when meeting new people and other dogs.

Patient trainers at Dogs Trust Shrewsbury now think she is now ready to one giant leap for dog-kind and find that forever family with the right skills and talents to help her live her best life.

Thomas Livings, the Assistant Manager of Dogs Trust Shrewsbury, said: “Given what we knew about Yuki, we expected her to be a confident dog but that didn’t prove to be the case.

"We quickly recognised that she was quite anxious when meeting new people and other dogs so since coming into our care our expert training team have been working with her and she is now much more settled and has proved to be a training star.

“She can now mix with other dogs which is great to see, and as long as people are patient with her and let her go at her own pace, and have a tasty treat or toy on offer, she steadily grows in confidence and bonds really well with people.”

Yuki takes over a sofa as she hopes to make a forever home of her own

The team say Yuki is an active, clever, and loving companion who will keep you on your toes whilst showering you with love and affection.

She would like a calm adult-only, pet free home with owners who are happy to carry on with her training, helping her expand her skills to keep her mentally stimulated.

Thomas adds: “Yuki will make a lovely, rewarding pet.

"She is great fun and loves learning new things so training sessions with her will be enjoyable for both her and her adoptive family.

"She is a bundle of energy and faces each day with enthusiasm, eager to head out on a long walk to explore new places.

“We did at one time think we had found Yuki a forever family but sadly that didn’t work out so now we’re hoping it’s third time lucky, and she truly lives up to her name.”

Yuki will benefit from meeting her adopters a few times at the centre to build a bond before heading home.

If you think you could make Yuki’s dreams, come true and provide her with a forever home, find out more at the Dogs Trust Shrewsbury website.