20mph limit and new cycle routes among plans outside Shrewsbury Railway Station
People are being asked for their views on proposals to enhance the area to the front of Shrewsbury railway station, including improvements to walking and cycling.

The area where the changes are planned includes the gyratory - the circular road route - next to Shrewsbury Railway Station, connecting Castle Gates (A5191), Chester Street (A528) and Smithfield Road (A458).
The scheme also proposes enhanced active travel features to the north and south.
The changes are being funded by money from the Government's Levelling Up Fund Round 2 (LUF2) following an approach by Shropshire Council and the Big Town Plan Partnership.
The proposals include wider pavements, new signalised crossings and benches, the reduction of traffic and addition of a footpath along the southern edge of Cross Street to make a safer route for pedestrians.

Two new cycle routes are set to be created to the north and south of the scheme, via new active travel corridors along Castle Foregate (north of the Station) and Castle Street (south of the Station towards the town centre).
A new 20mph speed limit throughout the Station Gyratory area is to be introduced to reduce vehicle speeds and further improve safety for walking and cycling movement.
The plans will also see greener streets and spaces that promote and preserve local biodiversity as well as improve key junctions and access routes into and out of the Station Gyratory area, said Shropshire Council.
The authority said the the project is made up of three phases and the work is set to be completed by spring 2025 to meet funding deadlines.
Shropshire Council is to hold a consultation on the proposed changes, which runs from today, February 6. to Tuesday, March 5.
Dan Morris, Shropshire Council’s cabinet member for highways, said: “The Station Gyratory public space and active travel improvements are an important part of the overall shared vision for the future of Shrewsbury town centre and I’m delighted that we have secured LUF2 funding for this work. Now we really want to hear people’s views on our proposals.
“This project will see improvements around the Station Gyratory area which will greatly enhance the area, improve accessibility, and ease movement for people travelling through the area – whatever their mode of travel.
“The proposed improvements and changes to public space will also improve public safety throughout the area and celebrate the local character of our historic town centre.
“I encourage people to have a look and tell us what they think.”
People can take part in the consultation online at shrewsburystationgyratory.commonplace.is
Alternatively, drop-in sessions are being held at St Mary’s Church in Shrewsbury from Thursday, February 8 (1pm-7pm) to Saturday, February 10 (10am-4pm).