Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury primary school 'excited for the journey ahead' as academy takes over

A former struggling Shrewsbury Primary School has said it is "excited for the journey ahead" now that a Wolverhampton academy trust has taken over its running.

Crowmoor's acting head Julie Grice with teacher Tracy Dowell, Gemma Draycott of Shine Academies, staff member Hannah Cave and pupils Issy Barnes, 10, Archie Barker, 11, Lila Kenyon-Lewis, 9, Betsy Jenks, 9 and Harrison Essel, 10

Crowmoor Primary School was given an inadequate rating by Ofsted last year after government inspectors found it was wanting in several areas when they visited in January 2023.

The school has now joined Shine Academies, the Wolverhampton-based academy trust, and is seeking a new "inspirational" headteacher to enable it to get back on track after the previous head retired.

Acting headteacher at the school, Julie Grice, said she was "excited" to have joined Shine, adding "I am so proud to be the acting headteacher and a member of its community.

"It has been wonderful to see parents, pupils and teachers all working together to make the school a safe, happy place where our children can thrive. With Shine Academies at our side, I know Crowmoor School will go from strength to strength and I am excited for the journey ahead."

Gemma Draycott, CEO of Shine Academy Trust said they were seeking a new "inspirational" head to help drive the school to improve it's Ofsted grade and provide more "enrichment" activities for pupils.

She said: "It is a big change for school and the community and while it is Shine Academy's fifth school, it our first venture into Shropshire so we are very excited.

"The school has an acting headteacher at the moment but we are looking for the next inspirational head to come along and take the school on to the next part of its journey.

"And it is not just about improving the school's Ofsted, but also about giving children the experiences that they would not normally have. At Shine, we actively encourage residents' trips, such as to London and the House of Parliament, so that they have the enrichment experiences they would otherwise not get."

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