Shropshire Star

Scheme for HMO over coffee shop and holiday lodges near Ironbridge in latest submitted plans

Plans have been submitted to create a 14-bedroom house of multiple occupancy in a town centre.

Last updated
The HMO proposal is for the upper floors of the building

The proposal, submitted to Shropshire Council, is for the upper floors of 12 and 13 Mardol Head, in Shrewsbury, above the town’s Caffè Nero. The plans replace a previous planning consent which was granted to convert the upper floors into eight apartments.

An application for the new scheme says that the previous plan was deemed “not viable financially”.

It says the new proposal is “to create a desirable, high-specification HMO (house of multiple occupation) for young-professional sharers in the heart of the town centre”.

A decision on the proposal will be taken at a later date.

The HMO proposal is for the upper floors of the building