Shropshire Star

Road closures announced as county prepares for visit from the Queen

The Queen will be visiting the county next week and crowds are being encouraged to turn out and give her a "warm welcome".

Last updated
The Queen will be visiting Shrewsbury next week.

As the county gears up for the visit people are also being advised of road closures during the visit to Shrewsbury.

On Wednesday, March 27, Her Majesty will be visiting the Farmers’ Market in Shrewsbury's Square, before travelling to the redeveloped Flaxmill Maltings.

Her Majesty is expected to arrive in the late morning and leave mid-afternoon.

People are being encouraged to come into town and enjoy the occasion – but to avoid driving into the town centre.

Vince Hunt, Chairman of Shropshire Council, said: "We are delighted to welcome Her Majesty to Shrewsbury, and it would be marvellous if there were crowds in The Square giving her a warm welcome.

"It is a great honour to be hosting the visit and, while we know it will cause some disruption to residents and businesses, everyone involved is keen to keep that to a minimum. All the shops and businesses will be open as usual, and road closures and parking restrictions will be in place for as short a time as possible. I am sure Her Majesty will enjoy both the Farmers’ Market and catching a glimpse of our vibrant county town at its best."

Some roads will be completely closed to traffic on the day, while others along the route into town will be temporarily closed to allow the cortege to pass by. Traffic may also be halted temporarily.

Drivers are also warned that any vehicles left in the restricted areas will be removed.