Shropshire Star

Why nothing has happened at Shrewsbury's Lord Hill's Column four months after safety cordon went up

Shropshire Council is awaiting a report to determine the condition of Lord Hill's Column in Shrewsbury, five months after it was cordoned off due to safety concerns.


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The safety cordon at the bottom of the column, next to a traffic island outside Shirehall, has been in place since early January after small pieces of debris from the statue fell to the ground.

Over the years the statue has had a number of significant repairs as Lord Hill battles his biggest enemy - the British weather.

Around £106,551 was spent on work to restore the column in early 2013 following a harsh winter with heavy winds. More recently, in 2019, the statue was once again found to have suffered damage as a result of strong winds and freezing weather.

Lord Hill Column gets an inspection