Shropshire Star

Community fun day planned to bring people of all faiths - and none - together in harmony

A multicultural community fun day will be held later this month with activities promised for all ages.

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The event is being held at the Shrewsbury United Reform Church opposite the town’s English Bridge on Saturday June 22.

The aim is to bring together people of all faiths and cultural backgrounds to enjoy a day of dancing, music and international food.

Among the highlights will be the SMS international folk band, Chinese dancers, musicians, Indian food, face paint and henna.

The event was first held in 2009 after John Mustafa and Reverend Tim Harwood from the United Reformed Church wanted to do something as a community following the London bombings.

The aim of the Shrewsbury Interfaith Forum is to break down divisive stereotypes between people by listening to each other, by sharing understanding of faith and by getting to know people as people.

Mr Mustafa said: "This our 12th multi cultural community fun day. We welcome everyone young and older people join our event. Also all the faith groups are invited from Shropshire and surrounding area."

The day will be held at Shrewsbury United Reformed Church, at Coleham Head, Shrewsbury from 12 noon to 4pm.