Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury wine tasting event to raise funds for homelessness charity

You can tantalise your taste buds at a charity wine tasting event this week.

Last updated
Emma Chandler

Wine bar owner, Emma Chandler, is hosting the fundraising event in aid of Kyle's Home from 7pm this Friday at Central, in Shrewsbury.

The community interest charity seeks supports homeless individuals and is looking to acquire a home where they can be mentored and taught essential skills to transition from living on the streets to independently.

Tickets for the wine tasting event cost £30 per person. There will be several wines for you to sample and a raffle to take part in.

Emma is hoping to welcome more than 40 people to the event that is the first of its kind raising money for Kyle's Home.

The event has received donations of wine from Shrewsbury bar and shop, GlouGlou, as well as Emma's bar in London, Unwiined.

Tasting will begin with a fizz, before attendees can sample a white wine, rose, orange wine and red.

Emma is looking forward to the event, and hopes they can raise a considerable amount for the charity.

She said: "Every extra bum that we have on a seat makes a huge difference.

"I’m super excited. Something that I love to do is have a line-up of wine that is going to stretch the taste buds and give alternative wines to what some people might quickly jump to in the supermarket.

"If you’re a Sauvignon Blanc fan then I have a fantastic white wine alternative. If you’re a Malbec fan then I have a different grape for you to try.

"There's a huge variety, lots of things to try, and the style of the tasting is interactive and lots of questions are encouraged.

"It’s definitely not aimed at someone who knows anything about wine.

"You can be an absolute novice, but even if you do know your stuff there’s something new to try."

Learn more and buy tickets by emailing or