Shropshire Star

New business group set to help Shrewsbury firms hit by flooding

A dedicated group will be set up to help Shrewsbury businesses cope with flooding – and recover from its impact.

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The creation of the Business Flood Action Group for the town comes after Shropshire Council secured funding for a project specifically to tackle the challenges posed by flooding to local businesses.

The initiative is a collaborative effort between Shropshire Council, the National Flood Forum and Shrewsbury BID, supported by funding from the West Mercia Local Resilience Forum.

Under the plan the new business group will work alongside the existing Shrewsbury Quarry Flood Group.

Shropshire Council and Shrewsbury BID said the focus for the organisation will be on five 'key objectives'.

The first will be 'identification of key impacts – understanding the specific ways in which flooding affects businesses'.

The group will also look to find 'actions and solutions' to support the town''s businesses, will 'foster peer support' – building a network of businesses to support each other during and after flooding, as well as looking at a mitigation strategy with 'tangible actions that could support businesses before, during, and after flooding'.

Finally the group will also be tasked with considering the 'true economic impact' of flooding on businesses in the town.

Businesses in Shrewsbury have been hit by repeated flooding in recent years.

John Bellis Shropshire Council’s Flood Risk manager, said: “I’m thrilled that we have been successful in securing funding from the Local Resilience Forum Innovation Fund to deliver a pilot study on the establishment of a Business Flood Action Group in Shrewsbury.

"Floods can have a devastating impact on businesses and the local economy and its important that we help business owners protect their livelihoods during flood events.

"If successful in Shrewsbury, Shropshire Council may look to replicate this project in other locations across Shropshire."

Tracey Garrett, CEO, National flood Forum, added: "We are delighted to be part of the Shrewsbury Business Flood Action Group project. At the National Flood Forum we know how impactful bringing flooded people and those that manage flood risk together in partnership can be. This project will focus on supporting those businesses in Shrewsbury which are regularly flooded and identifying mechanisms of support."

Businesses in Shrewsbury have been hit by repeated flooding in recent years.

“Here in Shrewsbury, we are now seeing repeated floods on an annual basis which has a devastating effect on residents and businesses,” added Siobhan Connor, Chair of Shrewsbury Quarry Flood Action Group. “I welcome this initiative and look forward to working collaboratively with Business Flood Action Group. When it floods we are all in this together and doing nothing is not an option.”

Shrewsbury BID is urging businesses affected by flooding, either directly or indirectly, to participate in the 'crucial initiative'.

“Your input and experiences are vital to developing effective strategies and solutions,” said Stephanie Mansell-Jones, Safer Shrewsbury & Public Realm Project Lead. “By joining the Business Flood Action Group, you can help build a resilient business community capable of withstanding and recovering from future flood events, as well as helping to provide evidence for national flood action lobbying.”

Businesses interested in getting involved and contributing to the Business Flood Action Group Community in Shrewsbury are asked to join the effort via Shrewsbury BID’s sign-up page

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