Shropshire Star

History uncovered as Shrewsbury artist draws town's historic library - complete with Darwin statue

Charles Darwin, Shrewsbury's most famous son, features in an artist's project to capture the town's most beautiful and historic streets at a moment in time.


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James St Clair Wade, an artist and architect based in the county town, is nearing completion of his Shrewsbury Streetscape Project, which he started five years ago.

His unique drawings in architectural view allow for entire streets to be seen in one portrait.

James's latest work captures the town centre library - complete with the evolutionary theorist's statue outside the entrance - and School Gardens.

He has also been drawing some of the town's iconic standalone buildings over the last few months including St Mary's, St Alkmund's, St Julian's and St Chad's.

"It's been really enjoyable drawing the original 16C Shrewsbury School building and spotting where the chapel, dormitories and classrooms were," James said. "I can almost imagine Charles Darwin running down School Gardens and through the main arch to lessons.

"You might just be able to see on the drawing the initials S.B. on the handsome gateway to the house headmaster Samuel Butler built for himself in the early 19th century.

"Apparently complaints about the school food were very common and S.B. was said to be a sign for 'stale bread, sour beer, salt butter and stinking beef sold by Samuel Butler!'

"He then went on to become Bishop of Lichfield and Bishop Street in Cherry Orchard is named after him.

"It's been fascinating to find out all these historical details and that the timber framed building in School Gardens would once have been in the Outer Bailey of the castle."

James is currently drawing Shrewsbury Castle.

His progress can be followed on the Shrewsbury Streetscape Project Facebook page, Instagram and YouTube channel.

Streetscape prints of Shrewsbury's streets can be viewed and ordered from or email James at for further details.