Shropshire Star

Three-year-old from Shrewsbury raises £1,185 through mega walk to support young mums

A three-year-old from Shrewsbury has raised more than £1,100 for a support group by walking Caer Caradoc hill.

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Karter Burris-King from Shrewsbury embarked on his challenge on July 27 raising money for a new group called Teens with Tots which supports young families and ensure support is there for mothers or expected mothers who are aged 22 and under.

The new group has been set up by Karters nana, Jodi king after her own previous experiences giving birth to the three-year-old's Mum Jae whilst in her teens. She is aiming to offer 'support and friendship in a warm environment' and hopes young Mums can find friends with similar experiences.

Jodi searched for funding for her Teens with Tots group as well as applying for grants, but after struggling to secure any, Karter and his family from Shrewsbury came up with the idea of the sponsored walk to raise funds for the new group.

The three-year-old shared videos online, and smashed his fundraising target on his GoFundMe page raising £1,185 in total, that his family are very proud of him for.

Karter walking up the hill with his nana

"We were so proud," said Karter's Mum, Jae. "He only had one break the whole way up, and once he got going he was so determined.

"He kept saying 'I'm not stopping to have my chocolates until I get to the top'.

"He didn't realise how big the walk was until he got to the bottom of the hill. He was very tired, and we had to sing Lion King songs to get him to walk back down again.

"He was so proud of himself. When he got to the top he shouted 'I'm on top of the world'.

"We're very overwhelmed (with how much Karter raised). We started of with a target of £300 a month before the walk and it slowly built up and then I said we should we change it, and we did to £700.

"As we got closer to the walk, loads of people sponsored Karter, and he did so well beating his target."

Karter and his nana at the top of the hill

The money raised is going to buy supplies and pay for venues for the new group. It will also go towards paying for food and drink for attendees at Teens with Tots as well as travel for Mothers who are attending.

Karter's grandmother is hoping to make a difference in the community and support young mothers.

Karter at the top where he said "I'm on top fo the world"

Jae said: "My Mum was young when she had me, and she's always been quite into helping people and giving back. This has always been her dream to help teenage parents.

"I had Karter when I was 20, but I was still young, and I think that re-ignited her passion for it.

"She's worked super hard to set it up, and just wants to help where she can."

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