Shropshire Star

Full tummies and plenty of learning through play thanks to school warp around care

Primary school pupils can be assured of starting lessons with a full tummy thanks to breakfast clubs and wrap around care.

SHREWS COPYRIGHT SHROPSHIRE STAR JAMIE RICKETTS 13/01/2023 - Grange Primary School - School is after more children to attend Breakfast Club and After School Club *Details being sent over from The Marches Trust*. In Picture L>R: Gracie Reid and Megan-Jane Whorwood.

The Grange Primary School in Shrewsbury has continued to develop the wrap around provision it has to support families with child care before and after school. Pupils can attend from 7.45am until 6pm.

As well as breakfast before school the after school club has snacks and a hot meal.

And the children also get involved in plenty of play.

Charlotte Summers, Headteacher said: "In the morning pupils have access to breakfast to kick start the day properly with a full tummy. This helps with concentration and helps to enhance their learning and the school have seen huge improvements in learning progress. For pupils staying at our after school club, as well as snacks, they all get a hot meal."

She said all the children enjoy lots of fun activities including crafts, board games, outdoor games and sport.

"It is a time for play with elements of learning but most of all, both of these sessions are fun and enjoyed by all the children and staff that attend.

“We want to support our school community so have enhanced our wrap around offer. Before and after school clubs are well attended and provide children with hot food, play time with elements of learnings.”

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