Shropshire Star

Village near Shrewsbury could be left without a post office

Residents in a village near Shrewsbury face a 24-mile trip to the post office if their local branch closes.


The post office in Minsterley has been up for sale but postmaster Bruce Bill said there had been a lack of interest.

Mr Bill, who is also a councillor, is moving back to Surrey for health reasons and told Minsterley Parish Council that the facilities would have to close next month.

The parish council has written a letter to Shrewsbury MP Daniel Kawczynski to appeal for help in securing the service for their village.

Councillor Geoff Rogers, chair of the parish council, said: "We are very sorry to see the post office close and we hope and we trust that somebody or a business will take it on. Otherwise Minsterley will be without its post office.

"We are making representations to try and secure it for the village. It has 1,600 residents so we could do with maintaining the post office service within the parish."

The letter to Mr Kawczynski said: "Concerned residents and stakeholders have tried to get a commitment from Post Office counters to keep a service for the local community to no avail.


"This will in all probability require a 24-mile round trip to the offices in Shrewsbury to access Royal Mail and Post office services.

"This is a concern to residents of this large village where is appears they are being forced into Shrewsbury town to access any services, with the extra strain on finance to do so will be difficult to justify thus cutting off the community.

"I would ask that you use your position to petition and press for the retention of post office/mail services in this and other rural communities given that much of your constituency covers rural areas as well as the town of Shrewsbury."

David Leeson, clerk to Minsterley Parish Council, said: "The death of services in the rural area is quite severe. People do have access problems and it is going to put more strain on everything.

"There is a lot of sheltered housing areas in Minsterley that house elderly and disabled people. The post office was a means of keeping in touch with people. I know there are online services but these are not accessible for some people."