Sustainable tourism award is icing on the cake for Shropshire Hills AONB
The Shropshire Hills AONB has won international recognition as a pioneering example of sustainable tourism.

Having first been awarded the EUROPARC Federation’s Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas in 2012, its charter status has been renewed – the icing on the cake of the Shropshire Hills' 60th anniversary year as an AONB.
It will hold accreditation, which aims to enable Protected Areas to develop sustainably, for the next five years.
"We are one of only a handful of protected areas in the UK to have achieved this award," said Nigel McDonald, sustainable tourism officer for the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership.
"It recognises all the people and businesses that contribute to green tourism in the Shropshire Hills."
The Charter covers the principles of protecting natural and cultural heritage, involving stakeholders, working together, delivering a sustainable tourism strategy, and recognising the many values of working more sustainably.
The network of Charter members across Europe work together to share best practice and learn from each other’s activities.
In the assessors' report, Ignace Schops, president of the EUROPARC Federation, described the Shropshire Hills as a "well-engaged and committed park with a positive feeling for the Charter".
Forming the basis of the renewal application was the new Sustainable Tourism Strategy for the Shropshire Hills, which will guide the work of the Shropshire Hills Destination Partnership for the next five years.
Paul Davis, chair of Shropshire Hills Tourism, said: "The EUROPARC evaluation committee really appreciated the strong partnership and relationship with the private sector and other stakeholders, coordinated through a well-established forum – the Shropshire Hills Destination Partnership.
"The committee was also interested to see how the private sector is itself organised into a tourism association – Shropshire Hills Tourism – which allows all the small businesses to be members of a body which, in turn, plays a key role in the Charter Forum.
"By promoting the EUROPARC status, one of very few achieved in the UK, it is a positive step in achieving more environmentally sustainable tourism.
"As a tourism body we are extremely pleased to have been able to contribute to the AONB having its Charter status renewed and we look forward to continuing our close collaboration in the future."